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8. What is “sexual bullying”? What should I do when I encounter “sexual bullying”? What is “sexual bullying”?

Section 5 of Article 2 of the Gender Equity Education Act defines “sexual bullying” as follows: engaging in ridicule, attacks, or threats directed at another person’s gender characteristics, gender traits, sexual orientation, or gender identity using verbal, physical, or other forms of violence that are not in the category of sexual harassment.

Example: an educational staff engages in disparagement against someone (including an individual or someone of someone who chose to hide their gender in the campus / classroom or someone of uncertain sexual orientation) for their sexuality-related traits, sexuality-related characteristics, sexual orientation, or sexuality-related beliefs. This scenario qualifies as sexual bullying, and not sexual harassment.

If I encounter “sexual bullying”, what should I do?

If you encounter “sexual bullying”, you can use the following methods to retain evidence and apply for a gender equality incident investigation or indictment with the University:

1. Record in detail individuals (the perpetrator and other witnesses present), incidents (actions committed or words spoken by the perpetrator), time (detailed dates and times), locations (detailed physical locations or spaces), and objects (detailed items of evidence – such as voice or video recordings under legitimate and legal causes, or written documentation) involved in all relevant incidents to maximize evidence retention.

2. Communicate to your instructor or teaching assistant and report to the University’s campus security center (07-8034727). Bravely apply for an investigation or indictment with the University’s gender equality incident investigation or indictment window (located at the legal assistant office of the Secretariat’s Office in 7F of the University’s administrative building; ext. 1104).

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