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3.What's the difference between persistent and sexual harassment?

A proclamation of sexual attraction. A hand resting on the knee. A flirty text message.
From the right person at the right time, they can make you feel great. But from the wrong person or at the wrong time,
an innuendo-laden text becomes creepy and an unwanted touch can make you feel uncomfortable and ashamed.
When does persistence become harassment?
When it's unwanted and persistent, when someone goes too far - whether through what he/she says or what he/she does - when you clearly doesn't want it.
The types of behaviour that amount to sexual harassment can be criminalised under different pieces of legislation. For example:
1.Unwanted phone calls and messages, visits to home or work, taking personal photographs, unwanted advances and persistent and distressing comments
2.Sending indecent, offensive or threatening letter, emails, and messages on social media and text
3.Unwanted touching by someone who is getting sexual gratification, for example on public transport
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